We build long-term business relations based on solid foundations, trust and mutual respect.
We share our knowledge and competences, which are the basis for joint development and effective action
Our long-standing presence on the Polish market has taught us that partnership and integrity are the most important values in business

“Strong together”

We combine the experience and versatility of our companies

We have been operating as ASPA Group since 2000, but we have been gaining experience and reputation on world markets since 1945. It was the year that the state-owned enterprise ASPA S.A. was established. From the very beginning it was involved in the production of specialized equipment for the welding of metals. We are faithful to this tradition, but we are also constantly developing new areas of activity. The driving force of our Group is cooperation between all companies. Each of them has in its portfolio different – but complementary to each other - products and services. That is why we can offer our clients and partners complex, comprehensive and, above all, professional service.

We focus on Polish capital and knowledge of the experts working in our companies and we draw from the rich history of our company. We are not afraid of challenge, we also believe in innovations that are born in the offices of experts working for us. All this constitutes a solid foundation thanks to which we are constantly developing, setting new trends on the market and establishing long-term, stable business relations not only in the country, but also abroad. The ASPA Group sets far-reaching goals and strives for them persistently. We know that the leader position requires constant improvement. And this is what we do to always be able to offer our partners the best and most optimized solutions.



Our success can be measured in numbers (and these speak for themselves), but we do not forget that there are people behind each of these numbers. It is their knowledge and initiative that allow us to constantly strengthen our market position. Without forgetting the tradition and baggage of experience, we implement innovations every day. Drawing from the rich past, we look with enthusiasm into the future.

  • The Group consists of
  • Over
    50 000
    of our products go to
    Customers every year
  • We operate in
    European countries
  • Our products are present in
    largest retail chains
    in Poland
  • Over
    categories of products

We Believe in Lasting Relations

the measure of our success is the trust of our Clients

Our long-standing presence - both on domestic and foreign markets - has taught us that the greatest capital is not only employees and knowledge they possess, but also honest relationships built with our business partners. We create lasting relationships that we base on solid foundations and mutual respect, we share our experience and competences, which form the basis for joint development and effective action. We try to approach each of our projects individually, guaranteeing optimal and successful solutions for our Partners.

We are not afraid of challenge. We implement projects using combined forces, experience, competences and diversity of all companies in our Group. Together, we set long-term goals and strive for them consistently.
Because we are the best
We create a bridge that connects tradition with modernity

Aspa Electro sp. z o.o. z siedzibą we Wrocławiu informuje, iż wyrobu: Prostownica ceramiczna AT-2000L, Łucznik, kod EAN: 59202183233, nie spełnia wymagań rozporządzenia Ministra Rozwoju z dnia 2 czerwca 2016 r. w sprawie wymagań dla sprzętu elektrycznego, z uwagi na brak izolacji na lutowych zaciskach wyłącznika, co powoduje że rękojeść pełni rolę izolacji podstawowej, a w przypadku uszkodzenia izolacji podstawowej, elementy czynne stają się dostępne dla dotyku, co stanowi ryzyko porażenia prądem elektrycznym. Ogłoszenie publikuje się w związku z postępowaniem, prowadzonym przed Prezesem Urzędu Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów.


our family
The first Łucznik sewing machines appeared in Polish homes in 1954. We have been working on the trust of our clients for over half century.

Today, 50% of sewing machines bought in Poland bears the legendary logo of our brand.
ASPA Electro is not just about famous sewing machines. The company's offer also includes kitchen equipment and a wide range of accessories. Our products are the highest quality Polish equipment in the Polish home.
We are the largest Polish manufacturer of welders, complete welding lines and special equipment.
Our market position grows from more than 60 years of tradition. Thanks to its own structure and research department, ASPA Welding creates and introduces new technological solutions.
One of the ASPA Group’s business sectors is the rental of production halls and specialized office and warehouse spaces. Attractive location and good access attract famous brands including Bobolandia, GOJump Trampoline Park, Ścianka Wspinaczkowa Fpinka, or Wrocław Squash Club.
We constantly follow and analyze trends that appear on the real estate market. That is why we are well prepared to expand and adjust our warehouse, production and office space at the right time.
The Łucznik Gallery run by M&M is a modern on-line store and the official distributor of one of the most recognizable brands on the Polish market - Łucznik. We direct our offer to both retail and wholesale customers from the small business sector. Galeria Łucznik is also a well-stocked stationary store located at Miechowity 1 in Wroclaw.
The Łucznik brand is not only sewing machines. On the Gallery's pages you will also find a wide selection of household appliances, hygiene accessories and creative sets for children.